The phantom movie cast 2009
The phantom movie cast 2009


The Phantom is also the unknown commander of Bangalla's world famous Jungle Patrol. His base is in the Deep Woods of Bangalla (originally Bengali, renamed 'Denkali' in the Indian edition), a fictional country initially set in Asia somewhere near India but later moved to Africa. Unlike many costume heroes, he has no superhuman powers, and relies only on his wits, his fists, and his feared legend to fight crime. In one of the European nations the Phantom was never printed in a purple costume since it was the colur used for mourning. blue in Scandinavia (this was because the purple color wasn't possible to print initially), red in Italy, Turkey and (formerly) Brazil, and brown in New Zealand. Publishers that printed color comics with the Phantom before 1939 chose costume color based on their own preference, and even later various publishers throughout the world picked different costume colors e.g. In a retcon it was shown that the first Phantom chose the costume based on the appearance of a jungle idol, and colored the cloth with purple jungle berries. Although this was never corrected, Falk continued to refer to the costume as grey in the text of the strip on several occasions after this, but finally accepted the purple costume. Lee Falk wanted the costume to be gray, but the colorist while coloring the strip decided that Phantom would look better in purple. It was not until the Phantom Sunday strip debuted in 1939 that the costume was shown to be purple, something that apparently was a printing mistake and Lee Falk himself did not approve beforehand. Creator Lee Falk had originally envisioned a grey costume and even considered naming his creation "The Grey Ghost" before settling on "The Phantom". The Phantom wears a black mask and a purple skintight costume. Previous fictional crime fighters, such as Zorro and Doc Savage, were not designed especially for newspaper comics. the first crimefighter to wear the skintight costume attributed to comic book superheroes, and being the first hero to have white eyes behind his mask, a phenomenon very common with superheroes. The Phantom is credited as being the first "costumed superhero", i.e. The Phantom is also successfully published in comic books throughout the world, by several different publishers. Previous artists on the newspaper strip include Ray Moore, Wilson McCoy, Bill Lignante, Sy Barry, George Olesen, Keith Williams and Fred Fredericks. Lee Falk died in 1999, and the newspaper comics are now written by Tony DePaul and drawn by Paul Ryan (daily strip) and Graham Nolan (Sunday strip).


The series began with a daily newspaper strip on February 17, 1936, which was joined by a color Sunday strip in May of 1939 both are still running as of 2022 and are read by millions of people every day. A film for the family to enjoy on a rainy Sunday afternoon.The Phantom is a comic strip created by Lee Falk (also creator of Mandrake the Magician), recounting the adventures of a costumed crime-fighter called the Phantom. Not my favorite film, by any means but worth a look and deserves more than 5 out of 10, I give it 7 and hope somebody enjoys it for what it is, rather than what they feel it should be. I expect in this day of high tech special effects, it may seem less alluring to the more high tech minded but if your looking for some good old fashioned fun, this is one to watch. Its a fantasy/adventure film, in the best tradition, the kind they don't make anymore,no special effects, to speak of, but good action, wonderful locations and some good acting, for this genre. OK there were flaws in there also(mainly the interior set pieces which look like sound stages), but they should be overlooked, as its not a serious film and is not pretending to be anything other than it is. Old fashioned film making, good guys and bad guys, clearly defined and a good tale, well told.


I watched this movie on TV last night and found it great fun.In the best sense of the word.

The phantom movie cast 2009